Thursday, October 20, 2016

The 12 Day Officers

There are 12 different types of Qi that are present throughout a calendar year, which denote the generic activities that are suitable for that day.

  • Establish (建) - engagement/marriage proposal, starting a new job/school term, for business transactions, medical treatments. NOT for funerals.
  • Remove (除) - cleansing activities, ending a relationship, dieting, medical excisions, demolition or repair works. NOT for marriage, adoption, official openings, starting a new job, travel.
  • Full (满) - bountiful outcomes e.g. official openings, house-warming party, install new equipment. NOT for marriage, legal settlements/lawsuits, starting a new job.
  • Balance (平) - for outcomes that are favourable for both parties (win-win) e.g. marriage, travels, situations where one needs to balance against a more dominating power. NOT for lawsuits.
  • Stable (定) - activities with lasting effects (long-term) e.g. marriage. NOT for projects to be completed quickly, jobs with no prospects.
  • Initiate (执) - activities that commence something (new beginnings). NOT for travel and moving house. Not a superior day.
  • Destruction (破) - destroying something e.g. building demolition.
  • Danger (危) - better to avoid doing anything major 
  • Success (成) - MOST auspicious, POSITIVE and has MULTIPLIER effect. Suitable for all activities that require positive outcomes e.g. marriages, move into new house, start construction. NOT for lawsuits.
  • Receive (收) - attain something/rewards. NOT for medical treatments or visiting the sick.
  • Open (开) - office opening, house-warming, starting work, marriage, starting a new job/school. NOT for groudbreaking.
  • Close (闭) - to be AVOIDED for activities of significance.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Clashes and Their Meaning

  • The snake and pig is but the least harmful of all clashes. It is also known as the annoying clash. This deals with the interfering into other peoples' affairs or the persistent offerings of help where is least needed. Health wise, keep a check on bodily heat condition, piles and pimples.
  • The dragon and the dog clash in the chart reveal strains in the relationship with family and friends. It also indicates in change in property and office. Take note of chest pain, stomach-related problems, torso and muscle aches.
  • The rabbit and rooster clash is a betrayal clash where trust among friends and relatives become questionable. It is also commonly known as the Sun and Moon clash that indicate sexual problems. Besides the reproductive organs, the hip, lungs, liver and fingers are areas of concern.
  • The monkey and tiger clash is also known as the emotional clash due to changes at home or at work. It usually foretells a vehicle related accident. The head, gall bladder, big nerves and intestines are susceptible areas.
  • The ox and goat clash signifies obstacles and hindrances. It is a poisonous clash that indicates food poisoning, cancerous cell development, abdomen-related problems, and flesh and skin infections.
  • The rat and horse clash deals with the internal struggle with mental instability and physical uneasiness. Look into eyes and heart problems, with secondary concerns in areas of kidney and blood.